hobbies i enjoy and practice everyday.
web development
developing sites such as this one for the web
using HTML CSS && JavaScript.
software development
creating applications and games
mostly from scratch
using C && Python.
I'm still a student so I have to
altough I really enjoy studying Mathemathics and casually learning
new things.
I consistently exercise mostly
for health reasons, but also
because it's fun!
languages && technologies
coding languages and technologies I am proficient at and can use to build things.
the vanilla taste of website
development, you can never
underestimate the power of
the basics.
simple, quick and easy
Python allows me to create demos
or even full apps in record times.
C / C++
mother of programming language
I had to learn them for school and
fell in love with the efficency.
Node.js / Express.js
reliable back end framework
suitable for most web apps
and server applications.
with so many ports, this simple game making
framework allows me to create games in Python && C.
some of the certificates and awards i have accumulated over the years.
responsive web design
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
Python 3 certification
passed the
codingame.com Python 3 certification test. with a score of 80%.
JavaScript Certification
passed the
codingame.com JavaScript certification test. with a 100% score and honors.